Now... something we must get back to... the amazing, outstanding, unique, superb Pontiac ads by AF and VK. Have already forgotten their names, but you know them. (Charlie is referring to the illustration team of Art Fitzpatrick and Van Kaufman ~ L)
I know TI has already blogged them... but really, these ads are the ultimate, the epitome, the most skilled automobile art that has ever been published.
Pure, 'sock it to 'em' advertising. Great renderings of foreground, background, and bold, classy interpretations of the cars.
Obviously I can't say enough... and they are certainly worthy of another TI. Hopefully you have a few more that I don't have.
Eee-nough.... Chas.
* Many thanks, Charlie. And yes, there are about a dozen more Pontiac ads in my AF/VK Flickr set. For those who want to salivate over even more gorgeous AF/VK art, drop by Art Fitzpatrick's official site,
* Want some more weekend reading? This week's "NCS Spotlight" features my posts on the legendary Albert Dorne.
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