"Pitz's book for Watson-Guptill on pen and ink drawing is a treasure. I was lucky enough to find a hardback in good condition (from about 1949) pretty cheap at a used bookstore-- when there were many good used bookstores around."
A few days later Norman sent me an email:
"Inspired by your recent Pitz postings (I consider Pitz one of my most important "teachers", his books have tutored me since I was 15), I scanned some crisp repros from my pristine hardback edition of PEN, BRUSH AND INK, published in 1949 by Watson-Guptill. I was lucky enough to find a clean copy in a used bookstore a few years ago."
"These are masterful pen-and-ink drawings by relatively unknown artists whose work appeared in THE SATURDAY EVENING POST."
... and soon after the following scans I'm sharing with you today arrived. I've posted these scans extra large so you can click on them and marvel at the details as I did. Norman adds some brief, appreciative remarks:
"The Paul Nonnast and Fred Freeman drawings are, I think, superb. The Justis "worksheet" a treasure, and the Coll-- well, what does one say about the music of Chopin and Beethoven on the same page... ?"
"I love the combination of freedom and control in this drawing, and the sense of the wind's power... "
"The variety of marks Justis uses is apparently inexhaustibly inventive... "
"Not much to say about this beauty-- except the influence of Vierge is strong here. Coll got bolder toward the end of his short life. The Flesk books, with generous sized repros and details, show that clearly."
"I thought, possibly, that [these images] might find a home among your magnificent archive of postings. I know there must be more "pen and ink" fanatics who would like to see these obscure, but fine drawings."
And I'm sure Norman is correct. With many thanks to him for sharing these beautiful examples of the art of the inked line - as well as his fine commentary!
* NC Mallory on Flickr
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