Monday, November 22, 2010

Greg Newbold on Don Weller

Back in August Charlie Allen shared a bunch of scans with us of "odd stuff" -- tear sheets he'd saved in his clip files. Among them were several pieces like the one below by an artist whose signature we couldn't decipher. "The name is 'Weber' or 'Weker'....don't know. A football article, and no idea from what magazine or publication," wrote Charlie.


Almost immediately after that post, TI list member Greg Newbold sent me a note:

"I saw some work by Don Weller pop up yesterday and couldn't help commenting. Don is a friend of mine since I took a class from him about 20 years ago. I then worked for him off and on doing illustrations for Park City magazine until he gave it up last year. I could contact Don and set something up."

And that's exactly what Greg did - with spectacular results!


Over on Greg's blog you'll find a fabulous two-part article he put together after interviewing his old friend. Part 1 focuses on Don Weller's early career, with many beautiful examples of the Weller's illustration art.


Part 2 focuses on Weller's recent years as a fine art western painter and cutting horse rider.


Spend a few minutes today enjoying both of Greg's posts - and many thanks, Greg, for the time and effort you put into this terrific two-part article on Don Weller!

Greg Newbold on Don Weller, Part 1

Greg Newbold on Don Weller, Part 2

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