Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Walter H. Everett: "... a man preoccupied with his work to the detriment of his family life."

I had never heard of Walter H. Everett until his work was brought to my attention recently by Greg Newbold. Greg has published two posts on his blog showcasing Everett's work -- and what stunning work it is!

Everett has the dubious distinction of having one day burned all of the originals in his possession and abandoning illustration. Thank goodness some (but not much) of his work was out in the world at the time or none might have survived for us to enjoy today.

For instance, just look at the piece below, which I found in the photostream of Flickr member, Joseloff Gallery


Jim Vadeboncoeur has a short biography on Everett on his "Illustrators" web page. He writes that Everett was "described as a man preoccupied with his work to the detriment of his family life." And that after burning all his work, "he painted for himself until his death in 1946."

Below, a lovely example of Everett's personal work, painted the year before his death.


Be sure to visit Greg Newbold's blog to see many more examples of Walter H. Everett's gorgeous artwork. And drop by Jim Vadeboncoeur's webpage to read more about Everett and many other illustrator biographies.

* Thanks to Heritage Auctions for allowing me to use the second scan in today's post.

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