Although these illustrations present their subjects in a far more reserved manner than did the model kit box art we looked at on Monday and Tuesday, there's no denying the understated artistry in Denis Bishop's renderings of these historical vehicles and machines.
More than a few friends who previewed these scans said Bishop's style brought to mind the work of Ken Dalison. I have to agree.
Since all of these books were published in the early '70s, when Dalison was "making his mark" in automotive magazines, perhaps he was an influence on Denis Bishop.
No info about the artist seems to be available anywhere online.
Many thanks to my friend Bill Peckmann, who bought these books back in the '70s and kept them through all these years, and then dug them up and scanned them for us.
Perhaps, as has happened so many times before, just posting these and Denis Bishop's name will lead to someone familiar with the artist getting in touch and telling us more.
Meanwhile, here's one last visual treat to perk up your weekend... Bill Peckmann wrote, "The cover of the Denis Bishop book I sent you had a WW 1 carrier pigeon truck on the cover."
"Well, when the book came out in 1970, I gave Rowland Wilson a copy of it, along with a joking dare. The off-handed dare was that he would be able to use that truck in a gag cartoon. I never thought he would be able to do it. Viola!"
Many thanks Bill! You'll find many more beautiful Rowland B. Wilson cartoons at Michael Sporn's Blog, also courtesy of Bill Peckmann.
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