Thursday, August 16, 2012

Where Did You Go, John Allen?

An illustrator/cartoonist named John Allen is responsible for three double page story spreads in the short run of Parents magazines from 1961 that I recently acquired.


I have never seen anything by Allen before in any other magazines from the '50s or '60s. How is that possible? He was terrific!


Maybe Parents magazine was John Allen's "big break." But why then haven't I come across his work elsewhere? It's a mystery...


And unfortunately, with a fairly common name like John Allen, doing a search on the Internet proved to be not very helpful.


Hopefully someone out there will be able to fill us in -- it's happened so many times before.


For now, this is all we have - here's to the talented John Allen, wherever he went - let's hope it was to a long and successful career!


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