Thursday, March 31, 2011

Guess Who Dunnit? Part 1

The other day I received an email from David Roach, who has been a frequent guest author here on TI. David wrote:

"If you’re looking for a few days entries I have a sort of cheeky suggestion for you - which will put me out of my misery. Each day you feature all sorts of great artists, but how about some entries where we don’t know who the artist is? I have some stunning book covers which I know the TI readers would enjoy, but I’ve no idea who they’re by."


"Do you think it might make an interesting entry of anonymous images which the readers could maybe identify?"


"I don’t know how riveting it would be but I know I’d sure be intrigued to hear who the readers think they might be by."


"Hey, I know it’s not the greatest offer you’ve ever had but I thought I’d throw it out there in case you’re stuck for an entry one time."


Actually, I thought it was a GREAT idea - and I told David so. Before I knew it he was flooding my inbox with scans - wonderful scans! So here is the first batch for your perusal, dear readers.


Can you guess who dunnit?


* For the time being, while these artists remain unknown, I've included them in my British Illustrators Flickr set

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