But let's see what David Roach has for us today...
The first of my paperbacks. Murderers Fen might be a British artist called Pat Owen, but it’s quite rough and ready by his standards. Personally I love the vigorous brush strokes and general wild abandon of the painting.
The Sexton Blake cover is probably a reused US cover with a very striking composition. It’s effectively a very dynamic set of stairs with a few people framed in at the top - but I think it works.
Now these 2 are a complete mystery. Starship Troopers is probably a British or Italian artist since NEL rarely used US material.
Charlie Gallagher on the other hand is most probably a US reprint though no names are jumping out at me.
This Mills & Boon romance cover might, just might, be by Betty Maxey... but that’s a bit of a long shot.
David Larkin who was AD at Panther at the time ('60s) reckons The Island was painted by Michael Johnson - but Johnson has vehemently denied this and, let’s face it, he should know. Art could be a Brit or an American, but whoever it is I think it’s a very striking cover.
More to come!
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